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Review Process

Primary review

Upon submission, manuscripts are initially evaluated by the journal manager and the editor-in-chief. All submissions undergo a screening process using 'Turnitin' to ensure originality. Manuscripts exhibiting improper formatting, language issues, or stylistic deficiencies will be returned to the authors for revisions before being forwarded to the section editor.


The Indian Journal of Allied Health Science (IJAHS) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed scientific journal with a double-blinded peer-review process. The meticulous selection of qualified expert reviewers will enhance and expedite the review process. Consequently, our editorial team will nominate at least three potential reviewers with relevant publications or expertise directly related to the submitted manuscript. It is important to note that IJAHS refrains from selecting reviewers from the authors' affiliated institutions, particularly for international submissions, to mitigate potential biases by avoiding local reviewers. Acceptable manuscripts are those that receive approvals from at least two out of the three reviewers. Upon this, the editor-in-chief will assess the manuscript's suitability for publication or whether further revisions are necessary. Revisions requested by the editorial team or the editor-in-chief may be communicated to the authors during the revision process.